Thursday 22 January 2015

Friends are the Family you choose for yourself...

Sometimes, however, you get lucky enough and the family you do have are your I think back over my life, and I cannot remember all the way back, I am quick to recall some special people who have been there always. This special part of my family, I know, will be there when I need them no matter what...Today I celebrate my cousins...I have more than 100 cousins on one side of my family and close to 75 on the other. There are a few that I am closer to - I can always count on them to share a laugh, a tear, a story...

When we were all younger - much younger - we spent many days together. Christmas Eves at our house, Christmas Day at theirs. I remember the hours we put in to perfecting our performances for our parents. We were such amazing Bay City Rollers...Donnie and Marie Osmond...Captain and Tenille...we rocked our polyester pantsuits! Why we didn't pursue these talents I will never know (well, actually I do know why...) :-) I remember the birthday parties at our houses. I remember visits to Baba and Gigi's in Mundare. I wasn't the favourite grandchild, and I say that with a smile..."Don't you love me?"..."I love a different way." Still makes me laugh to this day.

The memories made with Kelly and Shawna are with me always. Lip-sync, cake, Ukranian feasts at Christmas, whatever the occasion, I always knew I was with friends! I was lucky enough to go to the U of A with Shawna. While we weren't in the same program of studies (I majored in beer and coffee some years; Shawna became a dentist) or in the same fraternity (Kappa Alpha Theta for me, Pi Phi for her), I always looked forward to the chance to hang out. I remember one of my birthdays with both Kelly and Shawna...oh my gosh, the laughs we had that night still hurt my sides! I can't remember the name of the restaurant (I think it was one of Peter Pocklington's ventures), but I can remember the joy of the evening.

Kelly and I share the same sick sense of humor...we can laugh together at almost nothing. As we approach the next decade in our lives, I can't think of someone I'd rather spend this momentous occasion with than Kelly. This year, I am particularly honored to be in a position to help with questions about school and future for Kelly's oldest son. I am so thrilled to be able to be of assistance!

Kelly and Shawna have a younger brother, Jay, who was as much a part of all the fun and frivolity as the girls were. Jay was naughty...down right naughty...but darn cute at the same time! If it wasn't for Jay, I don't think I could have survived working at the golf course as long as we did. Jay has this knack of seeing everything so positively - actually, all three of these special friends have this knack...this gift. Jay has this ability to make everyone around him smile. He listens with his whole self - like you are the only person who matters at that moment.

It's neat to see all of grow together - all of us are parents of great kids. All of us have lived through challenges and come out ahead of the game. All of us are still close. I believe that if we were in need, that any one of us would step up at any time.

I saw this first hand when my dad died. The first people to call me were Kelly, Shawna and Jay. The people who called or emailed the most often were Kelly, Shawna and Jay. Death can do strange things to family, but I got lucky. I know they loved my dad and all of his idiosyncrasies - I know they love me. I love that I can call to just chat or text to let them know I love them...I love that they are my family.

Kelly, Shawna and Jay are family I have...and friends that I want! Thank you all for being a part of my journey! I love you tons!

Thursday 8 January 2015

I get by with a Little Help from my FRIENDS!

The challenge in this journey is to identify who I will celebrate...and celebrate next! There are likely far more than 52 people I could celebrate this week alone, but that might be too easy. I committed to celebrating friends and family who have influenced, shaped and impacted my life. Interestingly enough, I believe that I am only recently becoming the person I think I've always hoped to be...becoming is the key word!
I have chosen certain friends to celebrate at specific times during the year for specific reasons - that is easy. It's the random celebration that is more difficult. Perhaps that will be (yet another) a gift in this journey - random...spontaneous...from the heart celebration. Perhaps this week I will start - not chronologically, not based on an event, but at a pivotal time in my life and in the lives of my family.
19 years ago my brother was diagnosed with Leukemia. This story will come to life later. However, during this time there was a group of people, now friends, who were instrumental in helping me to keep my sanity. These people, now in their 30s, were once my students early in my career. These students are now, I am fortunate to say, Friends.
Who knew teenagers were capable of teaching me...of giving so much without really even knowing? There were days I would show up at school, barely able to keep it together. They showed up too...with everything they had. They let me cry. They let me be human. For that, I am thankful.
The gifts have kept coming through the years - regular communication, invitations to weddings and graduations, baby announcements, and most especially the out-of-the-blue thank yous. The thank yous are what I celebrate the most - they are my bonuses always.
While I had the privilege of teaching many unique individuals during the time of my brother's diagnosis, transplant and early years of remission, there are many "kids" who are still a part of my life today. The challenge here I face here is creating the persona that would fit all of these special people...

I think this is a great the bright light in someone's someone's sunshine.., I vividly remember a conversation with a parent who told me that her daughter was afraid of me...right to my heart! That was an eye-opener! I had to change. I needed to be more "sunshine" and less "grey". My mission was to change. As a teacher, this was a valuable lesson. I am so thankful for my relationship with this beautiful person! Today she shares her gifts with others in so many ways. She still continues to teach me through all of her growing, writing and love.
I still smile at the memories of a cheeky young lady who excelled at teenage girl-isms. She taught me patience and humor, and forced me to find other ways to communicate. Today she is a successful graduate with a very giving career ahead of her. I carry this young lady with me in my career every day - memory of her hangs on my wall in every office I have had.
A couple of years after my brother's diagnosis, the gravity of it all really hit me. A feeling of loss of control, sadness, fear overwhelmed me. It was a student who recognized I was in "crisis" and pointed out that I was in distress. A student...a teenager....wise beyond her years. I am thankful, to this day, for that gift. I am thankful for the relationship we had that would inspire this teen to care that much.
I celebrate the laughter in my classes - reading Shakespeare "in character"...I celebrate the hard times - I need help... I messed up...I consider myself so fortunate to have been a part of the journey that others are taking.
I am honored to receive phone calls from afar, letting me know so many great things - I got a new job...I'm getting married...I graduated! I am saddened to hear about the challenges, but grateful to be a part of the conversation, and thrilled to learn of the subsequent triumphs - cancer, divorce, stress...all overcome by such strong character!
I celebrate the fact that these young adults and friends...have made my life so much richer. I am reluctant to name names because I know I will forget someone equally important as the next. Thank you for letting me into your lives, your homes and your hearts. If you haven't heard it before... Thank you for all that you have given me!